Correct drawing of icons

The Committee highlighted theological, biblical, and historical matters that require review in the drawing of icons and it proposed that that Ritual Committee deliver a seminar to present its observations that should be observed by Coptic artists so that the icons are in accordance with the Church’s doctrine and history. This has been approved.

Published Date

10 June 1995


19. Rituals


Rites & Rituals, Icons, Art

Related Decrees

  1. Dialogue with the Church of Sweden
  2. Icons in the Sanctuary
  3. Addition of "by air" to litany of travellers"
  4. Addition of newly-found 9th hour of Palm Sunday and rearrangement of 9th and 11th hour
  5. Addition to litany of "Yea, we ask You"
  6. Additions to the Commemoration of Saints is prohibited
  7. Amendment of the phrase "this sacrifice"
  8. Amendment to text of Doxology of Feast of the Apostles
  9. Amendment to text of Feast of the Cross
  10. Amendment to text of Gospel of Feasts of the Entry of the Lord into the Temple and Circumcision