Storage of recordings

His Holiness the Pope requested the general use of computers for storage of recordings in all the dioceses, and that each diocese send recordings to the Patriarchate to store them on the central computer. The Holy Synod approved the instructions of His Holiness the Pope.

Published Date

25 May 1991


4. Church Organisations


Recordings, Technology, Church Recordkeeping

Related Decrees

  1. Efforts towards creating new resources for preaching and education
  2. Storage of recordings
  3. Warning against the move "Christ and the Other"
  4. Authority over monks, monks' data collection, monastery tourism
  5. Changes to Holy Synod Committees in 1985
  6. Changes to Holy Synod Committees in 1986
  7. Changes to Holy Synod Committees in 2010
  8. Collection of details of priests and projects
  9. Data collection of applicants for monasticism
  10. Data collection of Dioceses and Bishops