Bishops to warn priests about false monks and illegitimate monasticism
The Holy Synod decided the following:
- That the Metropolitans and Bishops pay attention to the priests, especially the fathers of confession in their Diocese, to warn their sons and daughters who wish to become monks and nuns, from joining the congregations that arise outside the framework of the legitimate ecclesiastical monasticism. Instead, they should turn to the ecclesiastical monasteries that are officially under the auspices of the Church, whether monasteries for monks or convents for nuns. In order to know this, they should contact the Archdiocese, to prevent everyone from behaving in an improper way.
- Not to permit priests holding ritual prayers in these aforementioned congregations, encouraging all to return to the proper ecclesiastical path.
Given the large number of who (a) falsely claimed to be monks and dressed as such, or (b) were previously monks but stripped of their monasticism and His Holiness approved of them being stripped of their monasticism, but they refused to take off their monastic garments:
- Metropolitans and Bishops should warn Priests of their Dioceses and members of their churches against dealing with these people and not accepting them in their homes.
- Likewise, verifying the identity of everyone who is clothed as though they belong to priestly or monastic orders. They should not contribute to church projects except unless verified through reliable and well-known persons, and they represent official ecclesiastical institutions, in return for stamped, certified, and not forged receipts.
Published Date
14 June 2003
5. Monks and Monasteries
Monks, Monasteries, Discipline & Punishment
Related Decrees
- Issues of monks outside of monasteries
- Authority over monks, monks' data collection, monastery tourism
- Dealing with sanctioned monks and rejected applicants
- Decisions regarding monasteries in Akhmim and Fayoum
- Deposed monks and the Eucharist
- Deposition of the former monk, Daniel El Baramousi
- First Annual Monastic Conference
- Formation of Committee to consider wongdoing of monks
- Further approval of pledge for monks, assessment of monks, and formalising monastic rules
- Requirement of monks to return to monasteries