Approved apparitions of St. Mary

It was decided to support the apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, in the Church of the Virgin and Archangel Michael, El Warak, Giza. It started on Friday 11/12/2009, 2 Kiahk 1726 at 1am for a period of weeks. The Blessed Virgin Mary has appeared in our Holy Church in many generations throughout history, such as her appearance of Pope Abram Ibn Zarah in the Hanging Church to transport the Mokattam mountain. Our generation in particular witnessed spiritual appearances and heavenly lights, the most important of which were:

  1. In the Church of the Blessed Virgin, El Zaiton, 1968.
  2. In the Church of the Martyr Demiana, Papa Dublo, Shubra, 1986.
  3. In the Church of St. Mark, Assiut, 2000.
  4. In the Church of the Virgin Mary, Mother of the God, and Archangel Michael in El Warak in 2009.

The Archdiocese of Giza submitted a request to offer recognition of the appearances of El Warak to the Holy Synod, supported by the approval of His Holiness attached in Appendix No. 28

Therefore, after reviewing the article of His Holiness Pope Shenouda III and the reports of Their Graces Bishop Theodosius, General Bishop of Giza, and Bishop Bishoy, Secretary of the Holy Synod, that was published by His Holiness the Pope in the Al-Karaza Magazine on 01/18/2010 and many other pieces of evidence, the Holy Synod decided to support this appearance in El Warak in Giza. Certainly, there are many sources of evidences by video, camera, and testimony by many, and the vision of many thousands of people for these apparitions, gathered over many nights around this Church, especially in the eastern part of it, and the occurrence of miracles of healing, supported by published medical reports.

Published Date

22 May 2010


23. Apparitions of the Virgin


St. Mary, Apparitions

Related Decrees

  1. Apparition of St. Mary in the Church of St. Demiana, Baba Dablo
  2. Apparition of the Virgin in the Church of St. Demiana, Baba Dablo