Amendments to wording of Anaphora

His Holiness the Pope said that the word, “lowly [things]” (found in the start of the Anaphora of the Liturgy of St Basil) refers to all creation. Therefore, it is preferable to use the word, “lowly [people]”. The Holy Synod decided to adhere to the preferable text.

Published Date

05 June 1993


19. Rituals


Rites & Rituals, Liturgies, Hymns, Anaphora

Related Decrees

  1. Addition of "by air" to litany of travellers"
  2. Amendments to wording of Resurrection distribution
  3. Chanting of "May their holy blessings"
  4. Clarification on the Psalm 150 refrain in Fast of Jonah distribution
  5. Clarification on the Psalm 150 refrain in Kiahk distribution
  6. Patriarch of Antioch to be mentioned in liturgical prayers
  7. Priests recommended to pray litanies audibly
  8. Prohobition to amendments of wording of liturgy
  9. Rules regarding the Sanctuary
  10. The Rite of the Entry of the Lord into the Temple