Addition of "by air" to litany of travellers"
The Holy Synod decided to add the phrase “or by air” to the litany of the travellers, since it is now a common mode of travel.
Published Date
05 June 1993
19. Rituals
Rites & Rituals, Liturgies, Hymns, Litany of Travellers
Related Decrees
- Amendments to wording of Anaphora
- Amendments to wording of Resurrection distribution
- Chanting of "May their holy blessings"
- Clarification on the Psalm 150 refrain in Fast of Jonah distribution
- Clarification on the Psalm 150 refrain in Kiahk distribution
- Patriarch of Antioch to be mentioned in liturgical prayers
- Priests recommended to pray litanies audibly
- Prohobition to amendments of wording of liturgy
- The Rite of the Entry of the Lord into the Temple
- Addition of newly-found 9th hour of Palm Sunday and rearrangement of 9th and 11th hour