Recognition of the Monasteries of St. Shenouda and St. Anthony, Australia; postponed recogonition of the Monestary of St. Anthony, Germany
It was decided in this meeting:
- To recognise the Monastery of St. Sheounda, Sydney, Australia.
- To recognise the Monastery of St. Anthony, Melbourne, Australia.
- The recognition of the monastery of St. Anthony, Krefelbach, Germany, has been postponed until the monks’ area is separated from the other areas, and the activities in the monastery’s spiritual centre, are separated from other areas such as the seminary and visitor areas.
Published Date
06 June 2009
5. Monks and Monasteries
Related Decrees
- Authority over monks, monks' data collection, monastery tourism
- Bishops to warn priests about false monks and illegitimate monasticism
- Decisions regarding monasteries in Akhmim and Fayoum
- Establishment of the Annual Monastic Conference
- First Annual Monastic Conference
- Further approval of pledge for monks, assessment of monks, and formalising monastic rules
- Issues of monks outside of monasteries
- List of recognised monasteries
- Recogniation of the Monastery of St. Moses the Black, USA; and the Monastery of Pope Athansius, UK
- Recognition of Monastery of St. George, Khattabeh