List of recognised monasteries
The monasteries recognised by the Church by the meeting on 22/05/2010 of the Holy Synod are:
- The Monastery of the Virgin Mary (Al-Baramous), Natrun Valley.
- The Monastery of St. Macarius (Abu Makar), Natrun Valley.
- The Monastery of St. Bishoy, Natrun Valley.
- The Monastery of the Virgin Mary (Syrian), Natrun Valley.
- The Monastery of Saint Paula, the Eastern Wilderness (Red Sea).
- The Monastery of St. Anthony, the Eastern Wilderness (Red Sea).
- The Monastery of the Virgin Mary (Al-Muharraq) in Mount Qasqam, Al-Qousiah.
- The Monastery of St. Samuel, the Confessor of Mount Qalamoun, in Maghaghah.
- The Monastery of St. Mina, Mariout.
- The Monastery of St. Pakhomius, Edfu (26/03/1980).
- The Monastery of St. George, Rzeigat (01/06/1985).
- The Monastery of the Virgin Mary, Akhmim Mountain (06/06/1987).
- The Monastery of St. Anthony, California (05/06/1993).
- The Monastery of St. George, El Khatatba (13/04/1995).
- The Monastery of St. Shenouda, the Archimandrite, Sohag Wilderness (14/06/1997).
- The Monastery of St. Anthony and St. Moses the Black, Khartoum (14/06/1997).
- The Monastery of St. Pakhomius, known as the Chaib, Wilderness of Luxor (06/06/1998).
- The Monastery of St. Shenouda, Milan (06/06/1998).
- The Monastery of St. Anthony, the Holy Land (29/05/1999).
- The Monastery of Gabriel The Angel, Gabal el-Nakloun, Fayoum Desert (29/05/1999).
- The Monastery of St. Mina the Wonderworker, Abnoub (02/06/2001).
- Monastery of St. Abu Fana the ascetic, the Western Mountain in Mallawi (29/05/2004).
- The Monastery of the Virgin Mary and Saint Moses the Black, Koris, Christi, Texas, USA (10/06/2006).
- The Monastery of Pope Athanasius the Apostolic, Scarborough, North Yorkshire (10/06/2006).
- The Monastery of St. Thomas, Akhmeem (26/05/2007).
- The Monastery of St. Shenouda, Sydney, Australia (06/06/2009).
- The Monastery of St. Anthony, Melbourne, Australia (06/06/2009).
- The Monastery of St. Anthony, Krefelbach, Germany (22/05/2010).
Published Date
22 May 2010
5. Monks and Monasteries
Related Decrees
- Authority over monks, monks' data collection, monastery tourism
- Bishops to warn priests about false monks and illegitimate monasticism
- Decisions regarding monasteries in Akhmim and Fayoum
- Establishment of the Annual Monastic Conference
- First Annual Monastic Conference
- Further approval of pledge for monks, assessment of monks, and formalising monastic rules
- Issues of monks outside of monasteries
- Recogniation of the Monastery of St. Moses the Black, USA; and the Monastery of Pope Athansius, UK
- Recognition of Monastery of St. George, Khattabeh
- Recognition of the Monasteries of St. Shenouda and St. Anthony, Australia; postponed recogonition of the Monestary of St. Anthony, Germany