Priests' right to pray in the diaspora
Based on the directives of His Holiness, the Holy Synod decided the following:
- A priest who travels abroad for treatment, if he does not have a letter from His Holiness the Pope personally to pray in the diaspora, then he may not pray.
- If he has a permit to pray from His Holiness the Pope, he may not pray in a particular church for an extended period.
- This is unlike those who go to a diocese that has a bishop in the diaspora, in which case, it is necessary for the Bishop to agree to him praying.
Published Date
29 May 2004
14. Priests
Diaspora, Priests, Liturgies
Related Decrees
- Pastoral care for congregants who have travelled abroad
- Priests recommended to pray litanies audibly
- Addition of "by air" to litany of travellers"
- Additions to the Commemoration of Saints is prohibited
- Amendment to text of Gospel of Feasts of the Entry of the Lord into the Temple and Circumcision
- Amendment to text of Gospel of the Good Shepherd
- Amendment to the litanies of the waters, fruits and airs in the diaspora
- Amendment to the text of the Synaxarium regarding apparation in Joshua 5:13-15
- Amendment to the text of the Synaxarium regarding apparation in Joshua 5:13-15
- Amendments to the text of the Synaxarium of the Feast of St. Mary