Amendments to texts and rearrangement of structure of General Funeral and Covenant Thursday distrubutions

  1. Covenant Thursday:
  2. a.     Distribution [of the Sacraments] of Covenant Thursday [Liturgy] is to be [prayed] with the annual [tune] and the prayers of the 11th hour are to be joined to the evening Pascha.

    b.     The word, “these” is to be deleted from the phrase, “bless these offerings”; and the phrase “repose the souls of the departed” [is to be deleted] from the fraction of Covenant Thursday.

  3. Prayer of General Funeral (litanies): replacement of the phrase, “as you opened for the right hand thief” with the phrase, “as you opened for the souls of the righteous”.

Published Date

22 May 2010


19. Rituals


Books, Rites & Rituals, Hymns, Holy Week

Related Decrees

  1. Addition of newly-found 9th hour of Palm Sunday and rearrangement of 9th and 11th hour
  2. Amendments to texts and rearrangement of structure of General Funeral and Covenant Thursday distrubution
  3. Amendments to texts in Holy Week services
  4. Addition to litany of "Yea, we ask You"
  5. Amendment of the phrase "this sacrifice"
  6. Amendment to text of Doxology of Feast of the Apostles
  7. Amendment to text of Feast of the Cross
  8. Amendment to the wording of the Litany of Offerings
  9. Amendments to text of Covenant Thursday Liturgy of Waters
  10. Amendments to the text of the Holy Week book from Isaiah 53:10