Amendments to texts and rearrangement of structure of General Funeral and Covenant Thursday distrubutions
- Covenant Thursday:
- Prayer of General Funeral (litanies): replacement of the phrase, “as you opened for the right hand thief” with the phrase, “as you opened for the souls of the righteous”.
a. Distribution [of the Sacraments] of Covenant Thursday [Liturgy] is to be [prayed] with the annual [tune] and the prayers of the 11th hour are to be joined to the evening Pascha.
b. The word, “these” is to be deleted from the phrase, “bless these offerings”; and the phrase “repose the souls of the departed” [is to be deleted] from the fraction of Covenant Thursday.
Published Date
22 May 2010
19. Rituals
Books, Rites & Rituals, Hymns, Holy Week
Related Decrees
- Addition of newly-found 9th hour of Palm Sunday and rearrangement of 9th and 11th hour
- Amendments to texts and rearrangement of structure of General Funeral and Covenant Thursday distrubution
- Amendments to texts in Holy Week services
- Addition to litany of "Yea, we ask You"
- Amendment of the phrase "this sacrifice"
- Amendment to text of Doxology of Feast of the Apostles
- Amendment to text of Feast of the Cross
- Amendment to the wording of the Litany of Offerings
- Amendments to text of Covenant Thursday Liturgy of Waters
- Amendments to the text of the Holy Week book from Isaiah 53:10