Deposed monks and the Eucharist
It is not permissible for monks who left monasticism and married in non-Orthodox churches to receive the Eucharist.
Published Date
06 June 1998
5. Monks and Monasteries
Monks, Discipline & Punishment, Depositions & Cutting Off
Related Decrees
- Deposition of the former monk, Daniel El Baramousi
- Bishops to warn priests about false monks and illegitimate monasticism
- Dealing with sanctioned monks and rejected applicants
- Formation of Committee to consider wongdoing of monks
- Issues of monks outside of monasteries
- Response to monks who left the Monastery of the Angel, Mount Al-Nakalun
- Warning regarding Ayman Mansouri (Maqar the Sudanese)
- Warnings against Max Michelle
- Ability of monks to hear confessions
- Amendment and approval of text of pledge for monks