Setting regulations for monks
Concerning the regulations (laws) of monasticism: It was mentioned in the report of the Monasteries Committee to the assembly of the Holy Synod that was on Monday morning 12/06/2000 in the meeting of the Committee and in preparation for the issuance of a regulation of Coptic monasticism, the members read the regulations (laws) of monasticism, which was prepared by a special Synodal Committee, and the Holy Synod approved it in 1937. The draft regulation was then photocopied and distributed, which was prepared by His Holiness, Pope Shenouda III, just before his Holiness’s monasticism.
Published Date
17 June 2000
5. Monks and Monasteries
Related Decrees
- Ability of monks to hear confessions
- Amendment and approval of text of pledge for monks
- Amendments of Decree of 21/06/1986 regarding authority over monks
- Assessment of applicants to monasticism
- Authority over monks, monks' data collection, monastery tourism
- Bishops to warn priests about false monks and illegitimate monasticism
- Data collection of applicants for monasticism
- Dealing with sanctioned monks and rejected applicants
- Decisions regarding monasteries in Akhmim and Fayoum
- Deposed monks and the Eucharist